Tuesday, December 1, 2009

August 12, later…
Dear Diary,
As I have said before my life sucks. However in the past two hours on this international flight to Tokyo it has gotten progressively more like one of those expensive vacuumed cleaners. If an engineer were to capture the degree of suck that my life has then they would be able to make one of those black hole things that was in that new Star Trek movie. In that movie Kirk was such a little bi-ach, why would you tell Spock that he didn’t love his mother? God, I hate Kirk. Picard is better. Anyways…
The reason for my life being worse than it was before was the first and worst possible thing. The batteries to my MP3 player died and I am left with no book. Then this flight attendant comes and offers me some of those pretzels. I said yes and asked for apple juice only to find out they are out and all they had was cranberry! Who drinks cranberry juice? It’s nasty! So when she comes with my nasty cranberry juice and my pretzels. I go to open the bag only to find, yes, that they will not open! I pull and pull and when they finally open my arm goes flying and I slam my hand into the gut of some fat Asian man. He starts to shout at me in Japanese or something. And the worst part is that the pretzels went all over the floor and I couldn’t get anymore because the flight attendants are evil. Luckily we will be landing soon. Thank God.

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